Selon § 5 TMG
Störk Umwelttechnik GmbH
Friedrich-Wöhler-Str. 21
78576 Emmingen-Liptingen
Registre du commerce: HRB 451220
Tribunal d'enregistrement: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Andreas Störk, Hans Störk
Téléphoner: 07465/9291-0
Fax: 07465/9291-90
Numéro d'identification fiscale
Numéro d'identification fiscale conformément au § 27 a de la loi sur la taxe de vente : DE813587123
Règlement des différends de l'UE
La Commission européenne propose une plate-forme de résolution des litiges (OS) en ligne que vous pouvez trouver ici Nous ne sommes pas obligés ni disposés à participer à une procédure de règlement des différends devant un conseil d'arbitrage des consommateurs.
Privacy Policy
Our company, Störk Umwelttechnik GmbH , would like to thank you for visiting our web-site and for the interest shown for our products.
All information provided in this website has been carefully selected by Störk Umwelttechnik GmbH. Despite our company's efforts, information contained in this website might be not complete, accurate or up-to-date. Therefore we shall not undertake any obligation nor liability for inaccuracies or omissions in this website, other than for fraudulent misrepresentation.
Störk Umwelttechnik GmbH reserves the right to change or update any information, product details or services contained in this website any time without previous notice.
The content of the Störk Umwelttechnik GmbH's website is protected by copyright. Its reproduction, change, commercial use or its use in other companies' websites is prohibited. It is forbidden to cancel or modify the copyright symbols.
Any reproduction of our website, in whole or in part, copying and distributing it without previous written consent by Störk Umwelttechnik GmbH is prohibited.
Any present or future legal dispute will be settled only according to the German Law and by German Courts.